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Доступен для | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Специализации | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ресурс(ы) | Мана, Энергия, Ярость, Затмение |
Основная характеристика | Интеллект или Ловкость |
Владение оружием | Посох, Кинжал, Одноручное или двуручное Дробящее, Кистевое, Древковое и предметы для левой руки, за исключением щитов и оружия. |
Тип брони | Кожа |
Способности | Смена облика (например Облик кошки, Облик совуха), Спокойствие, Возрождение. |
Классы | ![]() |
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Расы класса | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
Способности | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
Наставники | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
Таланты | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
Символы | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
Билды | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
Комплекты брони | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
Начиная играть... | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
PvE | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
PvP | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
Макросы | Во | Др | Жр | Ма | Мо | Ох | Па | Ра | Р с | Че | Ша |
- Мы являемся хранителями баланса, отныне и навсегда, как Малфурион находится во Сне. Никогда не забывай об этом. - Каль из Доланаара
Друид — это гибридный класс, специализирующийся на сменах облика, доступный для ночных эльфов, воргенов, тауренов и троллей. Друиды способны выполнять каждую из трех ролей (танкование, лечение и нанесение урона) используя разные облики. Друиды наиболее эффективны в роли их активной специализации и экипировке. Они также могут использовать смену облика, чтобы временно исполнять другие роли в бою. В дополнение к боевым обликам, друид могут принимать облики, увеличивающие скорость передвижения, плавания или даже способность к полету. Возможности переключения ролей вне боя и временное исполнение другой роли в бою, делают друида одним из самых универсальных классов в World of Warcraft.
Таланты друидов обычно умножают силы их естественного и животных обличий, помогают призывать силы природы и использовать целительную магию.
Обзор класса
Друиды подчиняют себе силы природы, чтобы сберечь естественное равновесие и защитить окружающий мир. Опытный друид способен обрушить на врага чистую энергию природы, на огромном расстоянии поразив его небесной бурей, сковав цепкими корнями деревьев или оглушив яростным вихрем. Также друид может использовать свои силы для исцеления союзников, а иногда способен вернуть им жизнь. Дух друидов близок духу всех животных Азерота. Умело меняя обличья, друиды легко превращаются в медведя, кошку, буревестника или морского льва. Подобная гибкость позволяет им во время путешествий выполнять самые разные задачи, например разрывать врагов на куски или озирать поле боя с высоты птичьего полета. Хранители природного порядка входят в число величайших героев Азерота, и они должны быть всегда готовы приспособиться к самым разнообразным условиям.[1]
Согласно мифологии тауренов, Кенарий (покровитель всех друидов) обучил их расу друидизму первыми среди всех других, как рассказывается в мифе Владыка лесов и первые друиды. Как можно заметить, ночные эльфы утверждают, что первым друидом был Малфурион Ярость Бури, оспаривая убеждения тауренов. Он вел ночных эльфов через Войну Древних и долгие последующие тысячелетия. С созданием мирового древа Нордрассила, друиды калдорай были обязаны Изере, и ее царству, Изумрудному Сну, в котором они провели столетия их бессмертных жизней. В качестве руководящего общества друидов образуется Круг Кенария, основывающийся в священной лунной поляне.
Запертые Сном в обителях в течение нескольких поколений, друиды проснулись, чтобы встретить угрозу Пылающего Легиона во время его недавнего вторжения. Нападение Легиона оставило ужасный шрам в лесах вокруг Хиджала. После поражения Архимонда, друиды решили остаться в бодрствующем мире и помогать восстанавливать разрушенные земли.
После Третьей войны, к Кругу Кенария присоединились друиды таурены, а совсем недавно к ним еще примкнули воргены и тролли. Друиды не участвуют в конфликтах Орды и Альянса, и мирно сосуществуют в пределах Круга Кенария.
Гилнеасские друиды, зовущиеся ведьмами урожая известны как "хранители древнего знания". Они издревле использовали свои примитивные навыки друидизма, чтобы выращивать сельскохозяйственные культуры, но почти "вымерли" когда в Гилнеасе началось развитие технологий. После того, как королевство отгородилось от всего мира, выдался особо неурожайный год и друиды, "воззвавшие к милости земли, смогли вернуть урожай".[2]
Друиды принадлежат ко многим друидистским организациям и сектам, таким как: Круг Кенария, Кенарийская экспедиция, Друиды Звериного Когтя, Друиды Птичьего Когтя, Друиды Клыка, Друиды Рощи, Друиды Оленьего Рога и Друиды Косы.
Энциклопедия Warcraft
Druids come and go as they please, and their goals typically have little to do with the "civilized" world. Unaffiliated with any specific government, the primary druidic organization on Azeroth, the Cenarion Circle, answers to no one save itself. The highest rank that a druid can have is that of 'archdruid', and there are only a few archdruids on Azeroth. At the moment the Cenarion Circle's leader is Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage, also the first mortal druid on Azeroth.
Through their deep connection to life and nature, druids are able to take on an unusually large variety of roles. Probably a druid's best-known role is that of a healer. Druids are justly famed for their ability to restore life, cure poisonous wounds and remove curses. Indeed, restoring and protecting the planet is one of the top priorities for all druids, though, to regard a druid as merely a healer is a dangerously simplistic assumption that has led to the defeat of many an unwary foe.
A druid's empathy with the creatures of the wild also allows him to shapeshift into the forms of other animals. For example, a wounded druid whose magical energies are running low might abruptly take on the form of a bear in order to better withstand further injury. Alternatively, the druid might shift into the form of some large cat, sneak up behind an enemy, then pounce and deliver a fierce flurry of melee attacks. Even the deepest oceans can be explored by a druid, who can simply shift into an aquatic creature, allowing him to stay underwater as long as needed.
Until the end of the Third War, druids periodically visited the Emerald Dream to monitor the ebb and flow of life on Azeroth. Today such a visit has become more difficult due to Nordrassil's poor health. Druids possess a deep understanding of the way in which all living things depend upon one another. Whenever this delicate equilibrium is disrupted, the druid works to restore the balance. To that end, a druid can use his connection with the Emerald Dream to exert a calming influence over animals, even forcing some into a temporary state of hibernation. Just as the druid can wield peace and somnolence, the druid can tap into the fury of nature itself: Terrible storms have responded to a druid's call; thorns have sprouted from the druid's skin to wound his attackers; even previously harmless roots have grown up out of the soil at greatly accelerated speeds in order to entangle a foe.
For obvious reasons, druids thrive in the wild outdoors. Inevitably, however, they lose some of their effectiveness when they are forced to endure separation from the natural environment. What good is a cleansing rain when a druid cannot even see the sky? How are roots to capture a foe who is standing atop a high tower? Such cases clearly require a druid with the imagination to consider new strategies and the flexibility to carry them out. Yet this flexibility, too, comes with an underlying negative corollary. The druid tends to be a jack-of-all-trades, but a master of none. An unusual mixture of priest, rogue, and warrior, the druid is therefore not equal to any of these three classes in their particular specialties. Even so, the druids' incredible adaptability serves them well in confronting the challenges that Azeroth has to offer.[3]
- Основная статья: Расы друида
Друидами могут быть представители следующих рас:
Раса | Сила | Ловкость | Выносливость | Интеллект | Дух | Броня | Здоровье | Мана | |
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17 | 24 | 20 | 22 | 22 | 48 | 54 | 100 |
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24 | 22 | 20 | 18 | 21 | 61 | 54 | 68 |
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26 | 16 | 21 | 18 | 24 | 32 | 65 | 68 |
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22 | 22 | 21 | 18 | 23 | 24 | 54 | 68 |
Расовые преимущества
Вот некоторые из расовых навыков, полезных для друида:
- Слиться с тенью дополнительная способность невидимости, наряду с Крадущийся зверь в облике кошки. Эта способность может помочь в управлении аггро для бойцов в PvE и как способ избежать боя.
- Elusiveness (night elf racial) will greatly help your stealth, since this trait stacks with Prowl.
- Расторопность увеличивает шанс уклонения от атак противника. Это очень полезный навык для танков.
- Wisp Spirit minimizes downtime after death.
- Nature Resistance (racial) grants them a 1% reduction to all Nature damage taken.
In terms of max/min, Night Elves are best for tanking and PvP for the Alliance side.
- Viciousness gives worgen a +1% chance to achieve both melee and spell crits and is wonderful for DPS and healing.
- Darkflight is a sprint ability with a 2 minute cooldown that can be useful in PvP or PvE. In combination with Dash (druid ability) and Stampeding Roar (Cat Form), worgen druids have the most mobility.
- Aberration (racial) grants a 1% reduction to all Shadow and Nature damage taken.
In terms of max/min, Worgen are best for DPS and healing for the Alliance side.
- War Stomp can stun enemies, making it useful for all specs in PvP and PvE.
- Endurance gives a slight health bonus, beneficial for tanks and PvP.
- Nature Resistance (racial) grants a 1% reduction to all Nature damage taken.
In terms of max/min, Taurens are best for tanking and PvP for the Horde side.
- Berserking will gives you a 20% attack and casting speed buff every 3 minutes, good for DPS and healing.
- Da Voodoo Shuffle reduces the duration of all movement impairing effects by 15%, mostly useful for PvP.
- Regeneration (racial) increases health regeneration by 10% and allows 10% to continue during combat, minorly useful in PvP, or for giving tanks a slight edge.
In terms of max/min, Trolls are best for DPS and healing for the Horde side.
Известные друиды
- Смотри также: Список друидов
Имя | Роль | Статус | Местоположение |
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Владыка лесов | Воскресший | Врата Созанна, Хиджал |
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Хранитель Лунной поляны | Жив | Святилище Ремула, Лунная поляна |
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Верховный друид тауренов | Жив | Вершина Старейшин, Громовой Утёс |
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Верховный друид Пламени | Убиваемый | Огненные Просторы |
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Лидер всех друидов | Жив | Храм Луны, Дарнас |
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Отец кентавров | Умер | Дух в Изумрудном Сне |
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Верховный друид Круга Кенария | Жив | Хиджал |
- Для полного списка способностей конкретных специализаций, см. способности друида
Друид является единственным классом, который имеет четыре специализации, а именно:
Can take on the form of a powerful Moonkin, balancing the power of Arcane and Nature magic to destroy enemies at a distance.Balance druids focus on dealing ranged magical damage, with an array of signature abilities such as Starsurge, Sunfire, Solar Beam and Starfall. Balance druids use Moonkin Form to increase their damage dealt, protect them from harm and grant spell haste to themselves and their party. As well as granting Balance druids a distinctive Owlkin appearance (although this can be changed with Glyph of Stars) this form has also gained Balance druids nicknames such as "Boomkin", reflecting their potential for extremely high damage output.
Balance druids rely on mana to fuel their abilities, and also gain access to the unique Eclipse secondary resource system, with the Eclipse Bar displayed underneath their health and mana. Certain spells cause the druid to generate Lunar or Solar Energy, and accumulating 100 of either type will trigger an Eclipse, with each type granting different benefits for a short period. This embodiment of the forces of balance significantly determines the Balance druid's spellcasting choices.
Сила зверя
Takes on the form of a great cat to deal damage with bleeds and bites.Feral druids are powerful feline melee damage-dealers, using Cat Form to deal swift and savage damage to their enemies. They have much in common with rogues, using energy to fuel their attacks and combo points to build to deadly finishing moves. Like rogues, Feral druids are extremely agile, and can use Prowl to sneak around and Pounce on enemies when they least expect it. Feral druids are often called "Cat", "Kitten" or "Kitty", these affectionate nicknames belying their formidable ferocity.
Takes on the form of a mighty bear to absorb damage and protect allies.Guardian druids are indomitable tanks, using the strength of Bear Form to become a towering, snarling wall between themselves and their allies. Similar to Protection warriors, Guardian druids use rage to fuel their abilities, mauling and mangling their enemies and transforming their rage into health with Frenzied Regeneration. Guardian druids' Bear Form is improved with Thick Hide (druid ability), allowing them to square up to the most formidable of foes. Guardian druids are often known simply as "Bears".
Uses heal-over-time Nature spells to keep allies alive.Restoration druids are capable healers, specializing in restoring their allies' health through heal over time effects. Restoration druids possess a range of healing options, from direct healing to more sophisticated buffs such as Living Seed, with abilities such as Nourish offering synergistic effects, and can also dispel with Nature's Cure. Restoration druids are capable of healing allies without the use of a special shapeshift form, but with the talent Incarnation can take on the form of the Tree of Life.
- Для полного списка способностей друида, см. эту статью
Druids have a range of magical and physical abilities. While each specialization focuses on strengthening a particular area of a druid's repertoire, all druids are capable of using Cat Form and Bear Form, dealing physical and ranged magical damage, healing targets and using numerous other abilities.
Некоторые способности друида:
- Wrath
- Prowl
- Entangling Roots
- Dash (druid ability)
- Faerie Fire
- Pounce
- Innervate
- Rebirth
- Mark of the Wild
- Hibernate
- Tranquility
- Cyclone
- Symbiosis
Смена облика
The druid's most notable ability is shapeshifting into different forms. These following forms can be obtained when reaching a certain level: Moonkin Form (Balance specialization only), Cat Form, Bear Form, Travel Form, Aquatic Form, and Flight Form (Swift Flight Form automatically replaces Flight Form when obtained).
Many abilities are restricted to a certain form. Others have different forms or effects depending on the druid's form when it is used. Because Cat Form and Bear Form use energy and rage, respectively, rather than mana, druid abilities that use mana cannot be used by druids when they are in these forms. However, druids can quickly shift between forms to gain access to desired abilities.
For all forms, the following applies:
- Immune to Polymorph in all forms except the default, humanoid form.
- You can't switch from polymorphed humanoid to another form.
- Shapeshifting breaks all movement-impairing effects (like Slow or Hamstring) and roots (Frost Nova or Entangling Roots) except the 3-second daze that can proc when one is attacked from behind by a melee attack.
- Depending on the form, the druid is considered either Humanoid (Caster and Moonkin), Beast (Travel, Aquatic, Bear, and Cat), or Elemental (Tree of Life); and thus is vulnerable (or immune) to different spells. This also applies to being tracked.
- Shapeshifts are not buffs or magical effects, thus they may not be dispelled.
- Mana regeneration still continues at the same speed as out of the form.
- Weapons and armor that have the "Chance on hit" effect or have gained the said enchantments can still proc regardless of form.
- Items with an "Equip: When hit ..." do work in forms. Some examples of these items are the Naglering and Darkmoon Card: Wrath's damage, Green Whelp Armor sleep.
If you shapeshift while wearing any disguise, your form buff will remove the disguise buff. This is because it has a blanket effect and can cause unexpected bugs when two buffs are stacked. Items like the Noggenfogger Elixir were changed in 2007 to not stack with Druid forms so that it would not cause any future problems. Subsequent issues have arisen, such as the jet-pack required for Gunship Battle, giving the message "Cannot use whilst shape-shifted". This can make completing some achievements more challenging for feral and balance druids, such as With a Little Helper from My Friends, requiring creative thinking such as spending the battles as a gunner in Wintergrasp.
As of 5.0.4, druids can mount while in Moonkin Form.
- Смотри также: Комплекты друида
Druids are able to wear cloth and leather armor only, and gain additional benefits from wearing completely leather.
Druids can equip staves, daggers, one-handed or two-handed maces, fist weapons, and polearms. "Held in off-hand" items can still be used, but they cannot dual wield.

Druids are keepers of the world who walk the path of nature following the wisdom of the Ancients and Cenarius, healing and nurturing the world. To a druid, nature is a delicate balance of actions in which even the smallest imbalance can create storming turmoil from peaceful skies. Druids draw their power from this wild energy using it to change their shapes and command the forces of nature.[4] Traditionally, druids chose the path of a specific animal totem, however, since the invasion of the Burning Legion, most druids have undergone a number of reforms including encouraging the study of magic from all totems. Druids who do this are known as druids of the wild.[5]
- WOW5Y - Druid of the Claw concept.jpg
Concept art for a night elf druid
- One-Thousand-Battles TCG.jpg
One-Thousand-Battles, a tauren druid
- Myriam Starcaller TCG.jpg
Myriam Starcaller, a night elf druid
- TaheoSkyspeaker.jpg
Taheo Skyspeaker, a tauren balance-druid
- Galahandra, Keeper of the Silent Grove TCG.jpg
Galahandra, Keeper of the Silent Grove, a night elf druid
- MaleoTheBlur.jpg
Maleo the Blur, a tauren feral-druid
- Cul Rendhoof TCG.jpg
Cul Rendhoof, a tauren restoration-druid
- Guardian Steelhoof TCG.jpg
Guardian Steelhoof, a tauren druid
- Givon TCG.jpg
Givon, a night elf druid in bear form to the left, and a tauren druid in cat form to the right
- ZalanRagewind.jpg
Zalan Ragewind, a tauren druid
- Breanna Greenmother TCG.jpg
Breanna Greenmother, a night elf druid
- Arktos TCG.jpg
Arktos, a night elf feral-druid
- Jasmia, Nature's Chosen TCG.JPG
Jasmia, Nature's Chosen, a worgen druid
Краткий курс обучения
Изменения в обновлениях
Обновление 5.0.4 (28-08-2012):
- Feral Combat splits into two different specs: Feral (melee) and Guardian (tank).
- Relics have been removed from the game.
- Druids can now mount while in Moonkin Form.
Обновление 4.2.0 (28-06-2011): Druids now gain 1 attack power per point of Strength, down from 2. They continue to gain 2 attack power per point of Agility while in Cat Form or Bear Form. In addition, Cat Form's scaling rate from gear upgrades was slower than other classes, which was causing them to fall behind in damage with higher item levels. To counter the Strength change and improve scaling, several abilities had their coefficients modified.
Обновление 4.0.1 (12-10-2010):
- Worgen and trolls become the third and fourth races capable of becoming druids.
- Duration of Restoration HoTs reduced from, e.g. 27 to 6 seconds for Regrowth.
- Class specific quest chains removed - druids who completed the Epic Flight Form quest chain before the patch now have a Feat of Strength.
- Eclipse has been reworked and the Eclipse Bar added.
Обновление 3.2.0 (04-08-2009):
- If you already possess a 310% speed mount, your Swift Flight Form's speed will increase to 310%.
- Druids are able to customize the appearance of their Feral forms.[6]
Обновление 3.0.2 (14-10-2008): Druids received the regular resurrection spell Revive.
См. также
- ^ http://eu.battle.net/wow/ru/game/class/druid
- ^ Задание:Лунный огонь (Гилнеас)
- ^ The Warcraft Encyclopedia/Druid
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, 67
- ^ Руководство по игре за Альянс, стр. 14
- ^
Blizzard. . Проверено 12 июня 2009. “In our next major content patch, druids will find a host of new textures for two major forms, cat and bear.”
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